April 12, 2020

The Start of a Brand New World

Passage: Matthew 28:1-10

My question to us this morning is, how does the amazing facts of Resurrection Sunday
and the amazing promises to us impact our life today? I want to offer three quick things
and stop.
First, if God can do what He did for Jesus, is there any challenge that happens here on
earth too great for God to handle? Because of Easter, the answer is no. There is nothing
too great for God to handle. Can I get an Amen! If you have something in your life that
feels impossible or dead even and you have lost all hope, can God bring life into the
dead things in your life? Because of Easter, the answer is yes my friends! When you
don’t see the plan and the way ahead is pitch dark, does God have a plan? Because of
Easter, you and I can say with a resounding yes, God does have a plan forward.


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